Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Devil In Me.

Growing up I always had bad experiences in life. I always had a wandering conscious and always spoke ill of life and things. Church was not a thing I was interested in and when I walked into church I always magically seemed to get sick, my grandmother told me it was the devil working to keep me away. I never really believed these myths, because the devil was always at work when it came down to my grandmother being involved.

When I was young my parents always told me I was a spawn of the devil. I watched horror films all the time and did not flinch at all. I thought movies involving homicide was the most hilarious thing ever. In addition, I grew up in the middle of two completely different religions. The Jehovah's Witnesses I grew up around believed everything that was not of the Lord was Pro-Satan. My uncle banned cartoons from the house, and my father stopped celebrating most of the major holidays. The other side was the Baptist, they were the complete opposite of the Witnesses. My mother and father both told me the the devil was bad but their opinions towards the things I was interested in were far from similar.

My mother always made jokes about my baptism. She assumed I would make the water bubble and start levitating. She claimed I walked the evil side of the road, because I was “mean”. My father on the other hand always fussed about the fact that I watched horror films. He said “you watching that is opening up portals for Satan and demons to come into our home.” Did I believe that? No, but I did start experiencing strange feeling in certain parts of the house. Now, every time I enter my mother house strange things happen. Things like the lights going out and those random gust of wind that passes by.

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