Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Questions about Satan.

Q1. What can we say about  Biblical depictions of Satan/Devil?
A: The role of Satan was very small during the old testament. In fact, Satan himself is hardly mentioned at all. The word "Satan" was used to describe someone or something viewed as an adversary, and was thrown around quite bit. The story of Job contains a satan who has been"wandering the earth" and is the one responsible for convincing God to test Job's faith by taking basically everything away from him.

Q2. What is interesting or special about Milton's depiction of Satan?
A. In Milton's Paradise Lost we see a more human side of Satan, or Lucifer as he was previously called. The reader learns that this creature was  made and beloved by God above the rest. He was given powers and beauty that was beyond compare, and because of this his ego and arrogance grew out of control. Believing himself to be superior to God  he starts a war in Heaven which he loses, and the end result being that him and all of his followers were thrown into Hell as a punishment. What is interesting about him after he is cast down and defeated is that his arrogance is still there, and despite the current situation he believes that "it is better to rule in Hell, than serve in heaven."

Q3. Where is the Devil today?
A.In my opinion, the Devil is everywhere today. He is a force that drives men and women to do bad things or things considered of a sinful nature.

Q4. What purpose does Satan serve?
A. His purpose is to lead humans, one way or the other, away from God. He does not have a direct involvement when it comes to making humans sin, but he is a type of enabler and whatever temptations he imposes on us it is our choices that condemns us. He is also there to explain in Christianity where bad people will go when they die, because not everyone can go to heaven.

Q5. Do you believe in Satan? If yes, how would you describe Satan? If no, why do you think people do believe in Satan?
A. Yes, I believe in Satan. I believe he can be anyone or anything that can be a  bad influence for you. He doesn't have a specific shape in my opinion, but i believe he can turn himself into anything he wants that will look appealing to the individual.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you that Satan does not take a specific shape! Like you said, Satan can be anyone or anything!
